I have found two different kind of fabric to the chair but I am still not sure which one to use or if I should stay with the blue that is on the chair already.
It is a bit difficult to see at these photos but one of them is with small flowers and the other is with small squares in beige. I am still thinking so any ideas are welcome... SMILE
Jeg har købt dette søde lille kit på farum messen og har egentlig glædet mig meget til at komme igang med at lave det.
I purchased the kit below at a Danish fair and I have been looking forward to try it out.
Men da jeg pakker det ud og ser alle disse små stykker var jeg ikke helt sikker på at jeg nogensinde ville få kittet lavet. En masse små dele og jeg fattede bare ikke instruktionerne ... kender I det..
But when I got to open it there where a LOT of small pieces and for one moment I was not sure that it would ever be finished. A lot of pieces and I just didn't get the instructions.. Some of you might know this feeling... SMILE
Konklusionen var at sætte sig ned med en god kop kaffe og bare forsøge sig frem. I kittet er til 2 foldere og her er den ene. Jeg syntes egentlig at det gik meget godt.
So what can a girl do ? A huge cup of coffee and a lot of patience. I found out that the kit contained pieces for two folders so now I only had half a problem. I did not use the "how-to" but just tried my way forward. And to be honest I think the result became ok.
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