De møbler jeg indtil videre har lavet er alle billige hvide møbler, som jeg så har slebet og malet. Jeg tror desværre ikke jeg slipper så nemt med den reol jeg tænker på at lave. Problemet lige nu er jeg ikke helt ved hvor jeg skal starte og fortsætte. Men hvis jeg nu starter med en tegning, så har jeg da sat en idé på papir.
This is the small table for the shop.
The funiture I have made so far are all cheap white funitures which I have sanded and painted.
Unfortunately I do not think it will be that easy with the cabinet I have been thinking about making. The problem right now is I do not know where to start or continue. But I guess that if I made a drawing of the cabinet I at least got that far.
I have often mentioned the shop I was going to make and here it is. I was lucky enough to receive it as a birthday present and it was already painted white at the time. Lucky me.