Har fundet en kasse i træ, som jeg skal forsøge mig med.
Det er skåret ud og malet nu er spørgsmålet om det passer når det skal sættes sammen. SMIL
This is what I am doing at the moment.
I have found a small box in wood that I have to try.
I have cut out the pieces and painted it now I just need to find out if the pieces fits. SMILE
My castle has now got a roof and the last floor. Now I need to find out which kind of electricity I will have to buy and I most admit for a newbe as me it is a bit of a jungle. Do you have any ideas or links I would apriciate to see them. I also have to buy windows one of the following days - app. 40 pcs. so I will have to find the right ones and at a good price.