I have made my first panels and I am proud of them. That is why I have uploaded a couple of pictures without and with paint. :-)
Jeg må indrømme, at de overhovedet ikke blev som jeg hverken havde forestillet mig eller som jeg havde tegnet dem. Men jeg kan lide dem alligevel. Det krævede lidt tankegang og lidt hjælpe fra bloggen : Une petit folie. Tak for hjælpen Linda.
I must admit that they do not look like what I thourght they would or they way that I made them on the papir but I like them anyway. I couldn't have made these without help from the blog : Une petit folie. Thank you Linda
Et lille nærbilled bare lige så detaljerne kan beundres. :-)
A close up just so you can see. :-)
Jeg har malet med gesso uden slipbning og syntes de har fået lidt vintage stil på den måde.
I have only painted the panels with gesso and I am hoping that they look a bit vintage style.
It is not that often I work with wood but when I do I love it. It is nice to try to get the puzzles to work together so maybe I should try a bit more often.
Tak fordi I så med.
Thanks for stopping by.
They look perfect, well done, you must be very very proud of these!!
Panelene dine er nydelige!! Gleder meg til å se hvor du skal ha dem.D