tirsdag den 26. januar 2010

Nye bøger / New books

Jaa... jeg har fået mine nye bøger og de er bestemt ikke en skuffelse. Målene er 1:24, men det gør bestemt ikke noget. Det kan omgåes med lidt matematik. Tilgengæld er ideerne, malertippene, metoderne og teknikerne geniale. Helt sikkert en inspiration for et rigtigt skandinavisk look. Du kan finde dem her på petite properties.

Yaaa... I got my new books and they are just great. The measurement is 1:24 but with a litte bit of math I should be ok. The ideas, the painting tips, the methods and the technics are just great. A perfect inspiration for an old scandinavian look. You can find them here at petite properties

2 kommentarer:

  1. It's always great to get new books for inspiration. I seldom make anything from a book, but I love browsing through the pages.

    Enjoy them! :)

  2. I visited your site many times , I started a blog two weeks ago , maybe you like to see it , kind regards Karina

